mt. everest - why not?
Embarking on a journey to the majestic heights of Mt. Everest in 2022 was not just an adventure but a profound experience that etched memories and lessons into the core of my being. Scaling the heights to the Everest Base Camp, guided by the unwavering support of two remarkable Sherpas, unfolded as a testament to human resilience, the power of collaboration, and the sheer awe-inspiring beauty of nature's grandeur. In this blog, I am excited to share the intricacies of this extraordinary trek, delving into the lessons learned and the transformative impact of navigating the iconic terrain of the world's highest peak. Join me on this virtual expedition as I unravel the insights gained amidst the towering peaks and share the profound wisdom that Everest graciously bestowed upon my journey.
My everest Path
Stepping foot into Nepal for the first time was a surreal culmination of a lifelong dream. The air was thick with anticipation as I gazed out the window of the small but well used Toyota Camry that was bringing me to a hotel… somewhere inside the living breathing city of Kathmandu. The driver easily navigated the roads adorned with signs that seemed like cryptic symbols to me.
The sights were a vibrant kaleidoscope; a family of four gracefully perched on to a single motorbike, a beautiful traditionally dressed woman selling fruit from her bicycle stand, this forever- lingering scent of incense in the air:
It was happening.
I was here.
As we wove through the bustling streets, passing by ancient temples juxtaposed against the your standard 7-11. Cell phone vendors every other door, clothing shops filling in the gaps. Food carts adorned with potato chips, and candy bars, deftly maneuvered by entrepreneurials hustling, I fell in love. I was someplace that my ancestors would have never been able to see. I had made it around the globe to this entirely new place, that had up unto that time only existed in my head and from images I’d seen. Now, I was able to take my own moments, watch as they pieced themselves together.
The tapestry of this newfound world was everything I had ever hoped it to be. Not because what I saw was “perfect” or “exactly as I expected”, because I tried to expect absolutely nothing. I barely trained for this. Daily walking which is normal and a few random hikes. I was busy up until the last moment of departure. Creating an expectation ruins it every time for me. I’ve learned the hard way honestly. Letting go, and moving through the moments of your life, is a much more fun and rewarding way to travel (and exist).
What Happened to Yoga?
Over the last two decades we’ve seen yoga change drastically. When we were in our twenties yoga was still very Eastern and traditional. A typical class had no music and lasted ninety minutes. Breath, philosophy and mantra were more prominent. Yoga was stripped down, uncomplicated, subtle and real. When social media hit, things began to change. Yogis started to get famous for their extreme poses and posting booty shots with captioned spiritual jargon became the norm. Today, yoga is practiced by 55 million Americans and revenue from the yoga industry is reaching upwards of 11.96 Billion U.S. dollars. What they’re selling us isn’t yoga, its cute yoga pants and tragic symbols for pseudo spirituality. Sometimes, I hate yoga and want to run far away from its culture. I already wasn’t one to attend yoga festivals and I don’t like using buddhas, mandalas, or malas to portray a spiritual vibe. I don’t always like what I see, and I often think we have lost sight of what is important. A lot of today’s yoga is watered down and far removed from what it was intended to do. The ego got us once again! Goat yoga! Cannabis yoga! Anything to stay relevant and get more likes. My preference has always been the light, straight-to-the-point, stripped down yoga rooted in old school teachings and free of BS. I often have to remind myself that sharing this is all I can do to stay true to myself in a sea of ever-changing gimmicks.
I Love Yoga, My Rock for Life
As I said before, yoga is a lifelong practice that moves and evolves with you. It’s a system that has many levels (physical, emotional, mental and moral) to assist individuals in living a fulfilling life free of suffering. The ultimate goal of yoga is to provide the possibility of spiritual transcendence in the modern world. Showing up day after day gives you a chance to see things with brand new eyes, to shift perspective, to practice less judgement, and to embrace all the different permutations of yoga as they are today. You might just need to do a little more searching to find a style and teacher that resonates with you. I suggest reading yoga books, too. The old classics such as The Bhagavad Gita and Light On Yoga. It’s also important to push yourself to keep taking classes, even when you dread it. I’ve learned that yoga is my rock and no matter what I’m going through on any given day, it will always enhance my experience. The ups and downs will always be there, but yoga keeps me floating steadily with a positive state of mind. Think of yourself as a student of life, for life. Your sole objective is to keep learning, evolving, and expanding your mind.