• Deepen Your Yoga Knowledge with Master Instructors

    A teacher training can introduce you to different aspects of yoga that you have not had a chance to try before. These include things like consistent meditation, mudras, kirtan, different styles of yoga, and yoga philosophy. A 200 hour is dipping your toes into the huge wealth of knowledge. Generally speaking, just by getting into a teacher training you’re going to learn principal basics of yoga history, support yourself inside of a living a yogic life style and become much more aware of your body, mind, thoughts and actions.

  • become more confident

    Concentrating on breathing exercises, as well as deep breathing, brings extra oxygen to your brain and increases your ability to stay calm. Being calm helps you to bring reason into your thought process and lowers your stress levels, ultimately making you a happier and more confident individual.

  • gain perspective and insight

    What happens on your mat, either in physical practice or in meditation practice, is exactly what happens off of your mat. Yoga gives insight into your habits, patterns and behaviors for better or worse. For example, do you push yourself towards some idea of perfection? That’s going to show up. Do you believe that you’re never going to be able to do X,Y, or Z? That’s going to show up.

    The fascinating part is, that the more these things show up for your during practice the more you start to learn about yourself. If there is something that you aren’t happy about - it also provides opportunity to consistently practice letting that ‘whatever’ go. You start to catch yourself “Oh, look at me comparing myself to another person again, back to breathing” “Oh there I did it again, back to breathing” - If you put your heart into it, you can slowly rewire the way your brain works, and guide yourself into being the best version of yourself.

  • express yourself vibrantly

    You can look at life almost as a computer program. Think of the Matrix for example. From a very young age, we are being taught what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad etc etc. But the very people who are teaching us those things are flawed in and of themselves - as to be human is to be flawed. What one person sees as right, another might see as wrong. It all comes down to basic programing.

    Beginning the practice of yoga is like agreeing to take the red pill. It frees the mind from the program and guides an individual into seeing the ways in which their programming is or has limited them. Once that starts to be seen, then it can start being undone. But it doesn’t happen in a week. Breaking through habits and patterns takes time, but once you do, your true self will emerge - and that self knows steadfastly who and what they are! Which then, through a teacher training starts to be explored and cemented as your grow into becoming a strong practitioner and a strong leader. Your voice, your creativity, your authentic self rises up.

  • See a Different Part of the World, explore new cultures and meet new people

    This is a three in one.

    We often get caught up in our everyday lives. Anyone who has spent time traveling will assure you that finding your way to a different part of the world is full of benefits. From seeing landscapes your eyes are unfamiliar with, to eating new foods, connecting with a new culture, communining with like minded people - choosing to participate in an international training course will be life changing.

    Investing in taking time to explore another part of the world will have a positive impact on your life, because it’s ultimately a new lense to see the world. Not only is your environment different, your mind is also relieved of the ‘usual’ and more free to accept new ideas and perspectives.

    When you arrive to your YTT, there are going to be people from all over the world joining you - and your course group most certainly becomes a second family. Learning about different ways of life just by working with and around new people is an awesome way to understand how big this world is, and all that’s at your fingertips.