Recommended Reading List

Yoga can be an entirely experiential activity, but to delve deeply into theory, that’s where the magic begins to truly blossom. One of the coolest things that I realized once I started reading about yoga, was that a lot of the positive effects and changes I was feeling and experiencing from my physical practice were being talked about in these books.

Yoga is an ancient science and it’s been tested, tried and shown true. Being able to put theoretical context to my on-the-mat experiences was powerful and inspiring. It truly took my practice to the next level. I was able to gain deeper insight into how to steer my practice off my mat and into my life. To this day I’m still reading and reaching for more literature, and I plan to for the rest of my days.

I get asked a lot what books I recommend to new students and I thought I would write out a simple reading list to help those of you who are just getting started some premium paperback resources. All of these books can be found on but I also encourage you to seek out your local bookstores and yoga studios to see if they might have them as well.


Want More?

This list is short and sweet- I could have rambled on for a while, but I wanted to start with some books that I knew were accessible and enjoyable. In a later post I’ll get into some of more nitty gritty texts that you might not associate with yoga straight away or have heard of a million times and never gotten around to reading- surprises to come!

BlogLindsey Holy